General Evaluation Information
Park Ridge School District Educator Evaluation Information
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of employee evaluations in the reinforcement of performance strengths and the remediation of weaknesses. The Superintendent shall develop a plan for the evaluation of support staff members. He/She shall invite the participation of employees in the development of the plan and shall assess and modify the plan as necessary. Employees shall be grouped into position classifications based upon similarities of duties, responsibilities, and qualifications. The evaluation process shall be similar for all employees in a single classification. The evaluation process shall provide for the recognition and commendation of effective performance, the identification and remediation of performance deficiencies, and the recommendation of discipline or dismissal when an employee fails to improve his/her performance. Evaluation procedures shall provide that each employee is informed of the specific objectives of his/her position and the standards that will be used to assess the employee's performance against those objectives. Employees will be evaluated by qualified supervisors every year. Any records created in the evaluation process will become part of the employee's file and subject to Board policy on personnel records.
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of implementing a program for the evaluation of nontenured teaching staff members in accordance with law for the purposes of identifying and correcting deficiencies, improving professional competence, improving the quality of instruction received by pupils of this district, and assisting the Board in determining the member's reemployment.
The program of evaluation of nontenured teaching staff members shall include the observation and evaluation of each such employee in the performance of his or her duties by an appropriate supervisor no fewer than three times during each school year, but not less than once during each semester. Evaluations are to take place before April 30 of each year. The evaluations may cover that period between April 30 of one year and April 30 of the succeeding year except in the case of the first year of employment where the three evaluations must be completed prior to April 30. The number of required observations and evaluations may be reduced proportionately when an individual teaching staff member’s term of service is less than one academic year. Each evaluation shall be followed by a conference between the teaching staff member and his or her superior or supervisor(s). The purpose of the observation and evaluation of nontenured teaching staff members shall be to improve professional competence, identify deficiencies, extend assistance for the correction of such deficiencies, provide a basis for recommendations regarding
reemployment, and improve the quality of instruction received by the pupils served by the school(s) in the district. Supervisors shall make every effort to assist nontenured teaching staff members in the remediation of deficiencies disclosed by observation and evaluation and may conduct additional observations and evaluations. Supervisors should recognize the purposes of this policy cannot be realized by evaluations that do not record the weaknesses as well as the strengths of teaching staff members. Assessments that are less than honest and candid serve neither the professional growth of the employee nor the interest of the district in building a staff of highly competent, well-trained personnel.
The Board of Education recognizes that the continuing evaluation of tenured teaching staff members is essential to the achievement of the educational goals of this district. The purpose of a program of evaluation will be to promote professional excellence and improve the skills of tenured teaching staff members, improve pupil learning and growth, and provide a basis for the review of teaching staff member performance. The Board will provide leadership, adequate resources for supervision and professional development, time for the proper conduct of evaluations, and time for in-service training. Each tenured teaching staff member except the Superintendent and administrators, who will be evaluated in accordance with Board Policy Nos. 1240 and 3223, shall be evaluated annually by appropriately certified and trained administrators or supervisors against criteria that evolve logically from the instructional priorities and program objectives set forth in the teaching staff member's job description. Each tenured teaching staff member shall also be evaluated against available indicators of pupil progress and growth. The Superintendent shall develop, in consultation with teaching staff members, procedures for the evaluation of tenured teaching staff members that include, as a minimum:
1. The collection and reporting of data that is appropriate to the job description and includes as a minimum the observation of classroom instruction;
2. Observation conferences between the tenured teaching staff member and the evaluating supervisor;
3. The preparation of individual professional improvement plans;
4. The preparation by the supervisor of an annual written performance report, which shall include the teaching staff member's performance areas of strength and weakness, an individual professional improvement plan developed by the member and the supervisor, and a summary of the results of formal and informal
assessments of the member's pupils along with a statement as to how these pupil indicators relate to the effectiveness of the overall program and to the member's performance; 5. The conduct of an annual summary conference between the supervisor and the member that will include a review of the member's performance, progress toward the objectives set forth in the professional improvement plan developed at the previous annual conference, pupil assessments and growth toward program objectives, and the written performance report prepared by the supervisor; and 6. The signing of the annual written performance report within five working days of the annual summary conference and the provision that the member may, within ten working days of the signing of the report, augment the report with additional performance data.
The Board of Education recognizes that the continuing evaluation of administrators is essential to the achievement of the educational goals of this district. In order to ensure the greatest benefit to the district of a program of administrator evaluation, the Board shall provide adequate
resources for supervision and professional development, time for the proper conduct of evaluations, and time for in-service training to encourage improvement in job performance. The Superintendent will develop, in consultation with administrators, job descriptions for each administrative position. Such job descriptions will state in concise form the program objectives and major responsibilities of the position and will include evaluation criteria that evolve logically from those objectives and responsibilities. The Superintendent shall report to the Board on the effectiveness of the evaluation system and shall recommend such changes in the system as may be required to increase its effectiveness. Tenured Administrators: Tenured administrators shall be evaluated in order to promote their professional excellence and improve their skills, to enhance pupil learning and growth, and to provide a basis for the review of administrative performance. Each tenured administrator, except the Superintendent, shall be evaluated annually by appropriately certified and trained administrators or supervisors. The Superintendent shall, in consultation with administrators, develop procedures for the evaluation of tenured administrators that include, as a minimum: 1. The collection and reporting of evaluation data appropriate to the job description and evaluation criteria, including observations of the administrator's performance; 2. Observation conferences between the administrator and the evaluating supervisor; 3. The preparation of individual professional development plans; 4. The preparation by the supervisor of an annual written performance report that includes the administrator's performance areas of strength and weakness, an individual professional development plan developed by the supervisor and the administrator, a summary of available indicators of pupil progress and growth and a statement of how these indicators relate to the effectiveness of the overall program and the performance of the individual administrator, and provision for entry into the record by the administrator, within ten working days after the signing of the report, of performance data not included by the supervisor; and
5. The annual summary conference between the administrator and the evaluating supervisor shall be held before the written performance report is filed. The conference shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the administrator's performance based upon the job description and a review of the progress toward the objectives of the individual professional development plan developed at the previous annual conference and a review of available indicators of pupil progress and growth toward the program objectives. A review of the written performance
report and the signing of the report shall be within five working days of the review. Nontenured Administrators: Nontenured administrators shall be evaluated for the purpose of identifying and correcting deficiencies, improving professional competence, establishing a means for determining reemployment, and improving the quality of the educational program of this district. The evaluation of nontenured administrators shall be conducted by appropriately certified supervisors and shall include, as a minimum: 1. The observation of the administrator in the performance of duties not less than three times in each school year and not less than once in each semester; 2. The conduct of a conference between the nontenured administrator and the evaluating supervisor no later than ten working days after each such observation; and 3. The preparation of a written evaluation report of the nontenured administrator's total performance, which shall be signed and retained by both parties to the conference and may be augmented by the written disclaimer of the nontenured administrator, provided that such disclaimer is submitted no later than ten working days after the conference.
The Park Ridge School District has fewer than 10 Principals and Assistant Principals.