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Information about the Title I, Part A Program at Park Ridge

Title I is a federal grant program, which provides funds to districts with low-income families to ensure that all students are able to meet high standards of academic rigor and success. Title I funds are distributed through Federal Law. As the name of the program indicates, the law itself is called Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) reauthorized, amended, and updated that law, and is the current source of Federal regulation over education. 

The ESSA replaced the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2002, and provides Federal regulation and guidance for states in administering education. New Jersey's implementation of the ESSA has been approved by the Federal government, and was based on stakeholder surveys, focus groups with educators, and state 'listen and learn' sessions, among other practices geared to provide input from New Jersey's residents. New Jersey's implementation of the law requires comprehensive testing in ELA, Math, and Science known as the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA). These tests are given yearly in April and May, and the results may be found as part of each district's online report card. In addition, results from each district's tests are presented at a local Board Meeting in the fall. 

In Park Ridge, Title I, Part A funds part of our programs at East Brook School, with a focus on basic reading skills in support of our general reading curriculum. Students identified for extra help in literacy attend a class led by a teacher who is a specialist in literacy/reading skills. This program has successfully helped our students attain grade-level fluency and build skills that support a life-long love of reading. 

Useful Links to Know More

Title IA Parent Letter

Park Ridge Parent Compact

ESSA Act Information from NJ DOE

Title I, Part A Overview from the US Department of Education