Gifted and Talented
The Gifted & Talented Services for students in grades K-2 is a "push in" model. The G & T teacher will go into each general education class in grades K-2 two times per month. The program is called PETS. The word PETS is an acronym which stands for Primary Education Thinking Skills.
Owls' Pride
The Gifted & Talented Services for students in grades 3-6 is a "pull out" model. The G & T teacher will meet with the identified students two times per week during the regular school day. The program is called Owls' Pride. To learn more about the Owls' Pride curriculum click on the link below.
Nomination Process for Grades 2-8
Nomination is defined as those students to be considered for identification and inclusion into the Owls' Pride Program. The procedures to identify students in grades two through five as Gifted and Talented based upon research from the National Association of Gifted Children and other Park Ridge School District criteria includes:
I. Teacher and Parent Nomination through use of Renzulli Hartman Scales for Rating Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students (Available after Parent Information Meeting at the end of March)
II. Screening of Nominated Students through the use of Aptitude and Ability Tests (End of May, early June)
III. Review of Nominations Scales and Screening Test Results using a District Designed Rubric (Early to mid June)
IV. Identification and Notification of Students' Acceptance into the Program (Prior to the end of the school year)
V. Follow up Meetings with any Parents who have Questions about the Process (Ongoing)
Grades 8-12
In grades eight through twelve, Academic Programs are differentiated to meet the needs of identified students at these grade levels. Questions at this level can be directed to the Guidance Counselor.
EDUCATION District Policy -Gifted and Talented Students
PARK RIDGE BOARD OF EDUCATION District Regulation - Gifted and Talented Pupils
For additional information/questions/concerns about the program contact:
Brigitte Walsh
Gifted and Talented Teacher
Melissa Ballaera
Supervisor of Elementary Education
201-573-6000 ext. 2845
Any individual who believes that the district has not complied with the provisions in the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Act, or administrative code related to gifted and talented services, should begin by contacting the Supervisor of Elementary Education, Melissa Ballaera. If the individual is still unsatisfied, they may file a complaint with the Board of Education. The complaint shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Curriculum, Dr. Patrick Bernardo, who will provide it to the Superintendent and Board of Education. The Superintendent or designee shall take the necessary actions to correct or remediate the complaint and report such actions to the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter.
If the complaint is not resolved to the individual’s satisfaction or the individual is not satisfied by the written decision of the Board of Education, the individual may then file a petition of appeal of the Board of Education’s written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with law (N.J.S.A. 18A:6-9) and the procedures set forth in the State Board of Education regulations.